We are happy to run weekend workshops for your group on the following topics:
Introduction to the Enneagram
Higher States
We also can cover any other Enneagram topics you would like. Please contact us to discuss.
Mobile: +44 (0)788 449 0218
Introduction to the Enneagram in person 15th March 10.00am-5.00pm in central London. Contact Rosemary:
Enneagram Foundation Programme
Ongoing Classes:
In 2025 we will be learning about the structure of each of the types - their motivations, defences, idealisations and avoidances.
Schedule for 2025, Wednesdays; 6.30-8.00pm; all online, apart from the June meeting, which will be in-person at The Abbey Centre, London SW1:
January 29th Type 1
February 26th Type 2
March 26th Type Type 3
April 30th Type 4
May 28th Type 5
June 18th Type 6
Summer Break
September 24th Type 7
October 29th Type 8
November 26th Type 9
£5 via PayPal. Contact Rosemary for further details and/or to be on our mailing list